Monday, February 13, 2017

Thanks For The Heartbreak

"Never hold back love"
-Tony Robbins

     As I sit here staring into the day dreams of "what if", I think about the topic on most people's minds today... Valentines Day. We all have our own reasons for our excitement or the lack there of. As a person that hasn't been looking forward to Valentine's Day, let me explain firstly why some of us are not, but also why we should look at it as a learning experience.
     To get straight to my reason for the lack of enthusiasm for this heart shaped holiday, I've recently been heartbroken. I've found that as this holiday has neared, my feelings have been up and down and all around, but mostly on the ground. It's difficult to have excitement for a holiday that celebrates romantic love when the person you would have celebrated it with no longer feels the same way. Should that justify me being bitter though? The answer is no. Just because I've been heartbroken, doesn't give me a good reason to be bitter about being "alone" for the holiday. If anything, I feel grateful. Not for being heartbroken, but why I am heartbroken. 
     I am heartbroken because I expressed my love and the truth of my feelings and truth of myself, but in the end it wasn't enough. Initially that was devestating to know that my max effort wasn't enough. But now, I look back on it, and I see how much growth this heartbrake has caused me to experience. It has made me stronger both physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have began to live my life more actively. It has made me realize how much abundance I really have in my life.  It has also made me more aware of my own self worth. So as I look at Valentine's Day coming tomorrow I look at it as a day to reflect on the growth and progress that I have had happen to myself.
     If you're a person that has been dreading the day of heart-shaped everything's take a step back and look at your life again. Looking at your progress, sometimes makes the pain you went through to get where you are feel worth it. So if you are going through heartbreak this Valentine's Day, look at you progress and growth. Try and see what you've gained in this process. There is always something you have gained through your pain. This can also give you an idea of what else in your life you want to grow and progress in. Who do you want to progress to be by next Valentine's Day? What new "romantic" skills do you want to acquire? This is a way I'm finding to be happy about my heartbreaking circumstances. 
     This experience has taught me that in relationships as well as in life that everything that can go wrong will go wrong, but it has also taught me that growth is happiness. Don't just focus on your pain and depression that you feel this Valentine's Day. Look and see your gain through your pain, and then see what more you want to make of yourself. This will allow you to build yourself up and promote LIVING NOW this Valentine's Day. Thank you for reading, and we'll talk soon!

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