Monday, March 6, 2017

The Strength of Kindness

     "Strength is a skill"
     -Kenny Kane

     The other day I was watching an episode from the podcast BarbellShrugged with Mike Bledsoe and Doug Larson and they were talking to Kenny Kane about self mastery. Of course I found this intriguing because I'm constantly looking for ways to master myself, but there was one phrase that was said in the interview that I can recall strongly today. That phrase is "strength is a skill". What is strength though and what is skill?
     Strength is defined as "a good or beneficial quality or attribute of a person or thing". A skill is defined as "the ability to do something well". Now when you put them together it comes out as being able to be good at being good. When I look at it that way this phrase is applicable to just about everything. Whether is working out, eating healthy, being kind, being productive and being helpful.
     Being as strength is a skill, that means we can learn strength. If we could just know that learning to be good at something no matter what it is, is within our grasp, we could learn to do anything, but more importantly be anything. 
      The reason I say learning to be anything is more important, is because if we can learn to be kind, it would make all the other things we desire to be good at more attainable. Allowing for ourselves to give and receive kindness opens the doors of opportunity to new skills and a new environment to live in. Not just for ourselves but for everyone around us.
     If we will try to make kindness our main skill, we will have everything we need to LIVE NOW! Thanks for reading and I hope you try and make kindness your skill!

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