Sunday, December 4, 2016

A Touch Of Love

"Nothing is so healing as the human touch."
-Bobby Fischer

     One of my favorite parts about Christmas is sitting in the Christmas tree room and pondering as I gaze at the twinkling lights. It's where I like to reflect on the things I'm most grateful for. The thing that made it extra special tonight was that as I sat pondering, my adorable little sister sat snuggling in next to me. There is something special about the human touch. What is it though?
     It has so much power to change the environment around it. There's a lot of psychology and science behind the powers of human touch, but I'd rather not talk about it. To put it simply, we as humans need contact with other human beings, to point to where if we are deprived of it, we can develop mental illnesses. With it though, we can perform many miracles. Miracles of guidance, miracles healing, and miracles of comfort. That is what makes touch such a memorable thing. 
     As I think back on my most beautiful memories, almost all of them include the factor of human touch. So for me, human touch enhances the power of the moment significantly, making it memorable. I don't know this scientifically to be a fact, but I believe when you are in contact with another  
person, your energies combine into a new energy. Which can be a beautiful moment for those involved. 
     We must also be careful with the power of touch, because it can be used for evil. Violence is a prime example of misusing the power of touch. We must use this power for good, if we are to benefit from its power.
     Whether your snuggling with a sibling, kissing your lover, or embracing a friend, the human touch does something powerful. It enhances our ability to express love for those we care most about. For me, it helps me LIVE NOW, and really be present. Remember to touch lovingly and we'll talk soon!

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