Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Remember The Hands That Have Helped You

"Some people talk to you in their free time, and some people free up time to talk to you."

     You know those people in your life that are always there when you need them, even if they're busy? Those kind of people in your life are the ones that you should never let go of. It's a kind of person that I'm striving to be. It's impossible to be that person for everyone in your life, but you only need to be that person for those few in your life. A podcast from Shaun T comes to mind. He talked about "Your Ride or Die" person in your life. That person that will be there at 3 in the morning to hold you when you experience a tragedy. That person that will be there to celebrate with you when you land that dream job that you've always wanted. It's easy to know those people in your life that are the "Ride or Die" type, but who are you the "Ride or Die" type for? I'm sure if you think about it, a few people come to mind, because a few people in my life come to mind. I know that if they called me in the early morning hours that I would not hesitate to be there for them, even if I did have a class early in the morning. The greatest part is that we all have our "Ride or Die" people, and we have the privilege of being that person for someone else. In all honesty, this post is meant to make you think of those people in your life that have always been and will always be there for you. This holiday season would be nowhere near as enjoyable without them! Those kind of people make us all LIVE NOW and enjoy life more richly. Always be grateful for those people, and we'll talk soon!

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