Friday, December 9, 2016

Keys To The Kingdom

    "You become like the 5 people you spend the most time with. Choose carefully"
Image result for you are the sum of the people around you quote It is true that the people closest to you can hurt you the most. Most of the time the way they hurt you is by harming themselves. You shouldn't just build wall around you and not let yourself get close to anybody. Without our connections with people, life is meaningless. At least that's the way I feel. Unfortunately it seems as though we are predisposed to having faulty judgement when it comes down to handing people the keys that open the door into our lives. How do we let the right people in and keep the other people at arms length? Having the best quality people in our lives can mean the difference between success and failure. Let me give my three tips on how to give the keys to the kingdom to the best people you can.
     1)Know Their Goals! We all know that a journey is easier when you are in the right company. So it is best to look for people that have similar goals. For me, I also look for people with big goals. I'm not looking for small game, I've got big fish to fry.
     2)It's All About Follow Through! When it comes to picking the best people to have in your life, reliability is essential. If a person follows through with the things they said they were going to do, no matter how small or insignificant, it shows that they will follow through with their commitments. Those kind of people are valuable assets to your arsenal of trusted people.
     3)They Go For It! One quality that I'm very attracted to is if a person goes after what they want no matter what. They embrace failure as a stepping stone, not as the end. They don't surrender!
     Bonus! One really good rule of thumb to keep in mind is, "Will this person push me forward and raise me up physically, mentally and spiritually or will they hold me back. If you can answer this question alone, it will give a pretty clear answer whether to hand them the keys or not.
     Finding the right people to have in your life is hard! It's hard to know if a person is going to ultimately hurt you or help you. There are bound to be errors in judgement, and there will be those people that hurt you But if you know a person's goals, that they follow through with their commitments, they GO FOR IT whatever it is, and they will raise you to the next level, that's a good sign that investing your time and energy into that person will be a good investment. Making connections with the best people is what I LIVE NOW for! Just make sure they are the best for you and you'll be alright! Thanks for reading, and we'll talk soon!

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