Monday, December 5, 2016

Be Extra Ordinary

"Avoid being normal."
-KJ Thackeray

Image result for standing out     Most of the time, as we go through life we desire to be accepted by others, but then we also want to be extraordinary. The only problem is, is that when you're extraordinary, not everyone is going to be accepting of you. Some might even be hostile and envious. So what do we do? Do we stop being extraordinary and just go at the pace everyone else is going, while being accepted? Or do we be extraordinary and not accepted by the majority? We want both of these things for ourselves, but when it comes down to it, I feel that we pick the former more than the later. This is an unfortunate outcome for not just the individual, but for the entire human race. Let me explain.
     To be extraordinary to me means to be extra good at ordinary things as well as some things that are not so ordinary, like playing the bass guitar. Some people think that as long as you're fantastic at the one thing that they're passionate about, that's all they need, but I disagree. I think that in order to be extraordinary you must have the foundation of be excellent at ordinary things, like being punctual to places you're supposed to be. When we choose to be extraordinary we allow ourselves to be authentic and undiluted by the desire to be accepted, we allow our actual potential to be conceived and eventually achieved. So basically when we choose to be accepted by the masses, we choose to stay ignorant to our unrealized potential and possible accomplishments.
     The reason that choosing to be accepted by the masses also is unfortunate for humans as a species, is because if more people would choose to extraordinary, they'd realize their potential and accomplish and discover so much more. With more discovery comes progress, and not just for one person, but many people. There are so many discoveries that wouldn't have been made, had someone chosen to be normal and accepted. We wouldn't be where we are today without those discoveries. Now, there are always going to be "haters", but just remember that the best way to assure failure is to try and please everyone. Stay focused on the people that are supporting you in your endeavors.
     So I'll just conclude saying that it's more important to be extraordinary than accepted. Don't just be extraordinary for yourselves. Be extraordinary for everyone. The haters and the fans. In the end you'll be thanked for your discovery. Being extraordinary causes me to LIVE NOW, and it can bring you the control of the moment and every moment in your life. The control of you. Thanks for reading, we'll talk soon!!

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