Thursday, December 1, 2016

Baths, Massages, and Food

"Muscles are torn in the gym, fed in the kitchen and built in bed."
-I Don't Know Who Said This

     How many of you have been sore from a workout? If you haven't, you're doing it wrong. But if you have you know how important it is to recover so you can hit the next workout as hard as you can. Bottom line, nutrients and sleep are the best things to help you're body recover from hard workouts. There are many self-proclaimed saviors of soreness including recovery and recharge formulas from companies like Beachbody, massages from a massage therapist and many other miracle nutrients. In this post I want to share with you 3 things that I do to help my recovery after workouts.
     1) The first thing I do to help boost my recovery after a workout is getting the nutrients I need. On a normal day after my workout, I'll drink a Shakeology drink, or a Beef Protein Isolate shake and then I'll eat a banana. These foods help me get the proteins that I need in order to aid in protein synthesis and replenish my glycogen in my liver and muscles. Getting the proper proteins helps rebuild torn muscle and getting the proper carbs helps replenish your energy storages.
      2) The second thing that I do help my recovery  after a workout is doing a little self massaging. Whether it's a foam roller, a roller stick or my personal favorite Yoga TuneUp balls, these all help massage out your muscles and reduce the inflammation. The Yoga Tune Up balls are my personal favorite because I can take them anywhere, and they get those deep knots. These balls are specially made to be firm enough to produce pressure and soft enough to make it so you don't bruise yourself. That's why I love them!
     3)The third thing I do to aid in my recovery post workout is having an Epsom Salt Bath with Lavender oil. Yes... I take baths now get over it ;) I also take ice bathes but those aren't nearly as nice. Both of these baths help reduce inflammation and help relax the muscles. The relaxing part is usually after you get out of the ice bath, but the Epsom Salt Bath is nice during. Take bathes!
     So those are three things that I do to aid in my recovery after doing a hard workout. Get the right nutrients, a little self massage, and taking a bath! Hopefully this is helpful to you and your recovery! After all it is hard to LIVE NOW if you're hobbling because of sore hamstrings. Thanks, and we'll talk soon!

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