Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Addicts Helping Addicts

"Wisdom comes with experience."

     It's kind of funny looking at things in hindsight. Everything makes sense and has a certain clarity that didn't exist in the moment. I got the privilege of spending time with a friend of mine that I hadn't seen for awhile. We've always been there for each other when we needed someone to talk to about our problems. Although looking back, I never was the one that shared very much. I attribute it to me being prideful in trying to maintain the charade that I had no problems. That and because I knew that my addiction was something that they had seen as a struggle for a family member close to them. So I decided it best to not tell of my own darkness, to spare them the pain of having someone else close to them that was in the snare of addiction. Up until today, they didn't know of my struggle.
      Today was different though. I was able to share my darkness with them. To my surprise they didn't get angry with me, like I was thinking. (I know... I should know better than to think that a good friend would abandon me for that reason... I know that now.) The only thing they were upset with was that I didn't feel like I could have shared this earlier, but they understood my thought process behind me sparing them those details about my life. As we talked about my addiction we discovered something. We discovered that it is because of our addictions that we got along and was able to understand each other so well. That was the reason that when we came to each other for advice, we had effective solutions to each others problems. Little did they know at the time, the reason I had that advice is because of my journey through my addiction to pornography and masturbation.
    So now that I look back at my journey through addiction, I find a certain gratitude for the experience. I'm grateful that I was able to help this friend in their times of need when they needed someone to help them. Going through addiction gave me a unique perspective, the one of an addict. What better idea than to have an addict help addicts. I mean that's why they have Alcoholics Anonymous and other support groups available for people trying to recover from addiction. As a recovering addict I can relate to the mind of an addict. That's why me and this friend of mine were able to understand and help each other so well. Even if they didn't know it, they helped me through this recovery process as well. 
     It's helpful to find like-minded people, that will support you in your endeavors, especially in recovery from addiction. As long as these people are pushing you forward and not dragging you down these fellow addicts will help you as you help them. Recovery from addiction is a journey, a journey that no one has to do alone. We all have our own vices, so why not walk this journey of recovery together. This helped me and continues to aid me everyday. It has helped me LIVE NOW, having the company that understands how to help me. Addicts helping addicts... who would have thought that would be so effective. Help each other on this journey. Many hands make lighter loads. Thanks for reading, and we'll talk soon!

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