Thursday, December 8, 2016

Talk Fruity To Me

"Sugar is sugar is sugar."
-Low Carb Circle People

Image result for orange     Today in my human biology class, this guy came in with this giant Odwalla drink. As I listened to him talking to his friends at the table, I heard them reading the label on it, specifically the ingredients and nutritional facts. When they read how much sugar was in that drink they said "good thing it's fruit sugar." You could say I kind of face palmed at that moment. This is an example of a big misconception that many people believe in.
     They believe that getting sugar from fruit juice is better than getting sugar from soda. Granted, soda has a lot more than just sugar, so fruit juice is more healthy in that way. As far as sugar goes though, they're on the same playing field. The reason for that is because when you take away the skin, pulp, flesh, and fibrous parts of fruit all that is left is the sweet parts.
      I looked up the sugar content of orange juice in comparison with soda, and they have roughly the same amount. So if you are going to have fruit, eat your fruit don't drink your fruit. The reason for that is because it's the fiber in fruit that slows the absorption of fructose, making it not jack up your blood sugar and insulin.
     This is something that I want people to be aware of when it comes to sugar consumption. Sugar is sugar. Hopefully this simple tip can help you in your health and your fitness. Health and Fitness helps me have more energy to LIVE NOW and in the moment, and I know that it can help you to! Thanks for reading, and we'll talk soon!

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