Thursday, December 15, 2016

Clear The Clutter

Image result for quotes about clearing clutter
     Life is full of emotions. Some of them being pleasant and some being painful. The majority of us try and avoid feeling those negative feelings and emotions. Then there is a select population of people that refuse to accept those sweet and positive emotions. The past few days, I've been a little down, but it was different because I accepted being sad. Most of the time I find it difficult to let myself experience my negative emotions, because I feel like if I let myself be sad or angry it makes me weak and less of a positive influence on the world around me Now that I look at it from a different perspective, because of me choosing to be open about my problems, I see how important it is to embrace all emotion.

     One anecdotal reason that I feel it is important to embrace all emotion is because being able to channel all those emotions make it easier to have empathy. Since I've been able to be open about my whole life journey, I've noticed that my interactions with people have been deeper and more meaningful. My hypothesis behind that is because the better I am at being able to channel energy or some might say be in tune with the spirit, the better I am able to understand and relate to people. The best way I can explain it is, that I feel without the secret of my addiction blocking my inner self, energy is able to flow freely through my mind and body.
     As I reflect on the before and after difference with my inner self, I feel so much more free to be who I want to be. I can be the great person that I've always known was inside of me. That is why I feel being able to clear out your closet will better your ability to fill it with new things. You can fill it with the people, places and things that matter most to you. I hope that you can find the courage to share yourselves with the world, because it truly has helped me LIVE NOW and enjoy the people, places and things that I have. It is worth it! Thanks for reading, and we'll talk soon!

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