Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Talk To People Not Screens

"If you want something done right, do it yourself."
-Charles Guillaume Etienne

Image result for cell phones destroying human interaction     Lately I've been searching for a job that would give me a foot into the field of health and fitness. I've been sending in applications online for a few months now, but have had no results. Today I chose to do the application process different. Instead of doing it online, like people say works I'll do it in person. I still looked for the jobs online, but I call and go into the place in person. I noticed a huge difference in what happened. They already scheduled me a interview because of me going out of my way to come out there. Why is it that this worked more effectively than the online applications like LinkedIn and IndeedJobs? It's because you take away the barrier of human to human contact. That is something we as a society are struggling with these days. How can we improve our human to human contact? Here are my top 3 ways to improve human to human contact!
     1)Make eye contact! Making eye contact sounds like it would be an easy thing to do, but with how our electronic devices have given ourselves a reason for wandering eyes it has become increasingly difficult. For me though, I feel like the person is actually listening to me if they are making genuine eye contact. Not creepy eye contact, but genuine eye contact. Now days we've become afraid and uncomfortable to make eye contact. If we want to improve our in person contact making eye contact is a sure way to have whoever you're talking to become more connected and engaged in
     2)Make sure you're facing the person you're talking to. If you have ever been in a conversation with a person and they weren't facing you, did you feel as if they were uninterested? For example if you are talking to someone and there are TVs around, yours and the other persons body's tend to turn and face to the TVs. If you make a conscious effort to face who you're talking to, they will know that they have your undivided attention.
     3) My third and final way to improve human to human contact (and probably most important)... SMILE! Yes, this is a cheesy way, but it's also effective. I've noticed with me at least, that I pay more attention to a person that is smiling more than a person who is not. I don't know why and what psychology is behind it, but I know smile generally mean something positive. We as people are attracted to people that are positive. We love to be around people that are positive, and being around people that are smiling and positive is contagious. So if you smile in your interactions it already gives you a great chance of making it a positive interaction.
     Those are just three things that have helped me the most with my own human to human interactions. Hopefully this can help you in some way whether it's getting a job, or just getting to know new people. In doing these three different things you can for sure improve your interactions with people and not have to use your cell phone as protection from being uncomfortable. I know these strategies have helped me LIVE NOW by making interacting with people more comfortable and enjoyable. Thank you and we'll talk soon!

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