Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Talk To People Not Screens

"If you want something done right, do it yourself."
-Charles Guillaume Etienne

Image result for cell phones destroying human interaction     Lately I've been searching for a job that would give me a foot into the field of health and fitness. I've been sending in applications online for a few months now, but have had no results. Today I chose to do the application process different. Instead of doing it online, like people say works I'll do it in person. I still looked for the jobs online, but I call and go into the place in person. I noticed a huge difference in what happened. They already scheduled me a interview because of me going out of my way to come out there. Why is it that this worked more effectively than the online applications like LinkedIn and IndeedJobs? It's because you take away the barrier of human to human contact. That is something we as a society are struggling with these days. How can we improve our human to human contact? Here are my top 3 ways to improve human to human contact!
     1)Make eye contact! Making eye contact sounds like it would be an easy thing to do, but with how our electronic devices have given ourselves a reason for wandering eyes it has become increasingly difficult. For me though, I feel like the person is actually listening to me if they are making genuine eye contact. Not creepy eye contact, but genuine eye contact. Now days we've become afraid and uncomfortable to make eye contact. If we want to improve our in person contact making eye contact is a sure way to have whoever you're talking to become more connected and engaged in
     2)Make sure you're facing the person you're talking to. If you have ever been in a conversation with a person and they weren't facing you, did you feel as if they were uninterested? For example if you are talking to someone and there are TVs around, yours and the other persons body's tend to turn and face to the TVs. If you make a conscious effort to face who you're talking to, they will know that they have your undivided attention.
     3) My third and final way to improve human to human contact (and probably most important)... SMILE! Yes, this is a cheesy way, but it's also effective. I've noticed with me at least, that I pay more attention to a person that is smiling more than a person who is not. I don't know why and what psychology is behind it, but I know smile generally mean something positive. We as people are attracted to people that are positive. We love to be around people that are positive, and being around people that are smiling and positive is contagious. So if you smile in your interactions it already gives you a great chance of making it a positive interaction.
     Those are just three things that have helped me the most with my own human to human interactions. Hopefully this can help you in some way whether it's getting a job, or just getting to know new people. In doing these three different things you can for sure improve your interactions with people and not have to use your cell phone as protection from being uncomfortable. I know these strategies have helped me LIVE NOW by making interacting with people more comfortable and enjoyable. Thank you and we'll talk soon!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Crossroads...Big And Small

"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong."
-Joseph Chilton Pearce

Image result for crossroadsIt's hard to force creativity. The reason I say that, is because I've recently been trying to create a gift this Christmas for a certain someone. Today I've been reading and writing to try and come up with the most perfect gift. I know I recently I wrote about a post about how to give a thoughtful and meaningful gift which helps, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist. That certain trait is what I feel is slowing me down. As a perfectionist I don't want to make a wrong choice, even if either choice is not a "wrong" choice. I want to make the choice that will be of the most benefit to those around me and myself. That is my flaw though. My perfectionist tendencies is what is standing in the way of me and discovering the most creative gift I can draw up. The fear of being wrong along with not acting unless you are positive about the choice never got anyone anywhere. You just need to put whatever you have in your mind out there, and adjust it along the way. Even though I say this and believe it, doesn't mean I think it is easy. I actually think it's a hard thing to do. To take a leap into the unknown, not knowing what you will find takes a lot of courage. No one wants to be wrong, but it's the wrong choices that I've learned the most from. So when you come to a crossroads with two choices that could be equally as good, just pick one and go with it. As long as you choose one, you'll see good results. Jumping into the unknown is one of the best ways to LIVE NOW, at least for me! Try it sometime, and we'll talk soon!

Monday, November 28, 2016

DIY Research

"Once you accept being uncomfortable life gets a lot easier."
-Danny Quinney

    Today while I was walking on campus this guy asked me why I was wearing shorts and a tank top. To put this in context, it was snowing and the wind was really cold. So why was I doing this? Only crazy people wear stuff like that in a snow storm. At least that's what I thought until I learned a little bit about hormesis. The definition that the internet provides says "is a term used by toxicologists to refer to a biphasic dose response to an environmental agent characterized by a low dose stimulation or beneficial effect and a high dose inhibitory or toxic effect". I Know. That definition really doesn't help much because of how wordy it is, so I'll give you my definition. Hormesis is where you expose yourself to environmental things such as heat or cold, and have a benefit biologically from it. 
    The benefits that I've read about in exposing yourself to cold temperatures include thermogenesis (which is where your body can create its own heat), more tolerant of stress can help boost the immune system, and helps make you wake up faster than a cup of coffee. Now before you go jump in the snow in your shorts and tank top, it says low dose of stimulation. Don't go do this for hours! This is information that I have recently acquired, so I'm just going to test it out. I want to see if it actually works that way. I'll try it out for awhile, and then I'll write about what happens. 
     I think that people should try and experiment with their health to a certain point. After all we should know our body the best, so get to know it while you're here on this planet. I can tell you one thing about this experiment so far... Being cold makes me LIVE NOW! Haha! Try and do some DIY research, and we'll talk soon!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Perfect Gift (At Least For Me!)

"No gift is too small to give or too simple to receive, if it's chosen with thoughtfulness and given with love."
Image result for gifts
     As I reflect on this past weekend with Thanksgiving as well as the anniversary of my birth, the thing that sticks out in my mind right now is how powerful it is to be thoughtful. The reason I bring this up is because of a gift that I was given. It was a gift that is priceless to me. Every time I view it, my heart sings the song of paradise found. The only gifts that really do that for me are gifts that took thought, creativity and was delivered with love. As we enter this Holiday Season we all scramble to find the most perfect gift for our loved ones and we tend to over complicate it. Now if you're looking for the ideal gift, the answer may just be found in your mind and heart. Let me give you my tips for giving a thoughtful, creative and loving gift!
     1) One quality of the perfect gift for me, is when the gift is tied to a memory. When a gift is symbolic of or given in remembrance of a memory that the two of you share it means a whole lot more than just what the gift is made out of. It adds something that you can remember every time you see it. Just make sure it's tied to a memory that is good! ;)
     2) Another thing that makes a gift mean a whole lot more to me is if the person uses their talents to create it. A homemade gift isn't necessarily expensive, but it took your time, energy and attention to make it. As far as I'm concerned our most valuable possessions are our time, energy, and attention, which makes the gift even more valuable to the person's heart.
     3) The last thing that creates the ideal gift for me is messages from the heart. When I receive gifts I always keep the card because I believe that it is a piece of the person's love that I can keep and cherish. Telling someone how much they mean to you is what makes the gift immortal, at least for me in my memory.
     These are my three tips of how to find the most meaningful gifts for those you love. We all know that giving is what the Holiday Season is about, and I know that giving is what can make you and I LIVE NOW and in the moment. Remember to use your memory, use your talents, and tell those you love how much they mean to you, and you won't need to panic about finding a gift. The Beatles had it right when they said "Love is all you need"! Thanks for reading, and we'll talk soon!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Work It Out

    "Plan your work, work your plan." 
-Vince Lombardi
 So today I went with my dad for a drive, and naturally we talked. A common reoccurring topic is where I'm going to take my life. Now I don't know about you but that subject to change daily, but the last thing I really need is someone telling me that my plan isn't a good plan. I was reading in ACSM's Personal Trainer Certification book and I came across a quote from Vince Lombardi which says "Plan your work, and work your plan." This quote was helpful to me in the way that it confirmed to me that I should just keep working my plan and make adjustments along the way. After all the best lessons are learned on the journey in the story, not while the hero is riding into the sunset. For those of you reading this I hope you don't give up on your plan. Just work out your plan, and you'll find your way riding into the sunset with a whole lot more knowledge under your belt. Remember to LIVE NOW, and we'll talk soon!

Friday, November 25, 2016

What Is Your Why?

"He who has a why, can endure any how."
 -Friedrich Nietzshe

     Today as I sat in my great Grandpa's rocking chair that sits in front of my vision board (I like to call it my window to the future) I pondered on the many things I'm going to have to do in order to get those things that I desire most. There are many things I desire to be included in my reality. The one thing that I noticed with myself that I think many people struggle with is wanting to know how they are going to get what they want out of life. It is easy to cut and paste things you want on a board and hope it turns out. But once you've pasted those dreams to your board, that's when doubt sneaks in and says things like "you won't be able to do that", "those dreams are too lofty" and "you won't be able to make it that far". When those thoughts find their way into my head, it makes me feel like I've lost everything that I've ever wanted, and that is probably the most painful idea to any intensely sane person. That is when you and me need to remember our reason for wanting those dreams. We have to remember our why. Like the quote says, "He who has a why, can endure any how".
Image result for reality     When I look at all the things I'm going to have, do and experience in my life, it brings me so much excitement to where I literally jump from joy. I've noticed that sometimes I can get distracted looking at my board, and I can get lost in all the "hows". Knowing how I'm going to do something is something that nags me. I can't help it, it's the way I've been raised. Not just by my parents, but by my schooling. In as early as preschool, I can remember teachers and grown ups asking me "what do you want to be when you grow up?" or "What's your five year plan?" or something else trying to get you to map out what you're going to do, and how. I know it's important to have a plan and have an idea of how your going to do what you plan, but the one thing that is more important is your why. Without a strong "why" you will never reach your dreams and make them your reality. The thing that keeps me focused while I stare in wonder at my "window to my future" is having my WHY smack dab in the middle of my board. "Whys" can take many forms and are different for every person. As long as you know your why, you cannot be stopped!
     Another thing to further back my point is Simon Sinek's TED TALK "How Great Leaders Inspire Action". In his talk he talks about how the great innovators of the past were successful because of their "whys". Such as the Wright Brothers. Their motivation wasn't to get rich and famous, they just wanted to be the first men to fly.That was their why. He also explains in business, that "people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it". Now relating this back to you going after what you want from life. Imagine the many things and experiences of your life as your invention or your "plane". If you have the right "why" you can invent the life you dreamed. You can make dreams your reality, with the right "why". I know my why is what is keeping me moving forward to the life I see on my "window to my future", and I intend to enjoy not just the results but also the process. My why is what makes me LIVE NOW the most! I hope that you can see and know what your why is, because that is your "golden ticket" to your paradise. Enjoy life and thanks for reading! We'll talk soon!

P.s. What is your why?

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Your Attention Is Special

"You are the one that chooses to make your day special, not anything or anyone else."

     Have you ever had days that seem so much better or special than other days? Yeah, me too. Being as today is my birthday and Thanksgiving, it has been a spectacular day. Not because of what is happening to me, but what I am choosing to spend my time, energy and attention on. I've heard many people say that they had a bad day because of X (Insert terrible thing here). I've had days that I've thought that too, but what if our perception of how good the day is, is a placebo. What if everyday is neutral and our mind is thing that chooses if the day is a positive or a negative day? I believe this is the case for me. Let me elaborate.
Image result for sprout     For example, if it's your birthday. You expect the day will be a good day, so most of the time it ends up a good day. Another example, if you have an exam you didn't prepare for. You know you're not prepared, so you expect it to not go well. The thing that is the problem is that before the day has even started, we have given it a label, and when we label something it inherits an expectation. To be good or bad. For me, I find this to ring true. This effect is the "whatever you focus on grows" effect. If you focus on the things that will make your day unpleasant, then you will find everything that will make it a bad day. If you focus on the things that will make your day amazing, then you will find the things that will make your day a great day. It's a simple principle, yet many neglect to change what they focus their time and attention on.
     The reason I bring this up is because I see people hand over their power to external forces, and that's not how you LIVE NOW! As human beings we've been given the power over ourselves and the way we look at our lives. That might not seem like a lot, but it is everything you need to be able to lead a happy and fulfilling life. You must decide and commit to making everyday of your life special, You must decide to make everyday count. You must decide to LIVE NOW and not in the past or future. Remember to seize the day, make it special and do what is fulfilling to your soul. Thanks for reading, and we'll talk soon! Happy Thanksgiving :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Don't Justify Procrastination!

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"Tomorrow- a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement is stored"
-A Funny Procrastinator That Remains Anonymous

     Have you ever had something that you were going to do, and you instantly analysed your schedule to see if you could justify putting it later in the day? Well that's what happened today. Early this morning I woke up, and knew it was time to workout. Then there was that voice in my head saying "You have time to sleep another hour." So I did. An hour later I woke up, and I still didn't want to rise and shine. I got up anyways. I stumbled out in my gym area to look at what workout I had planned on the 22 Minute Hard Corps calendar. When I saw that it was Cardio 2 and Core 1 (By the way I always do Cold Start before I do the workout) I kind of sighed thinking "Man! I worked out hard yesterday and I am sore!" If you know me, you know I'd never skip a workout without a very good reason, but I have sometimes pushed my workout later in the day. That's my level of procrastination. I thought about pushing my workout later, and tried to justify the reason, but I still knew that I was procrastinating. So I PUSHED PLAY and started. Why do we procrastinate things that we need to do? 
     So the reason I was using to justify my procrastination was that I've been working out hard, I'm sore, I can do it later when I have more energy. Now, yes I have been working hard, but would not working out today be proving that point? No. Okay, So I'm sore! Would pushing my workout later make me less sore? No, not really and actually working out will help my soreness. Last thing, I'll have more energy later... Nope, not true. You can blame it on the fact that throughout the day your cortisol starts high and gets lower, and your melatonin starts low and goes higher when it gets later in the evening. So all of my justifications were not really good reasons not to work out this morning.
     Now this example wasn't a huge deal, but there are other things in our lives that we procrastinate that we really shouldn't procrastinate. Making ourselves more healthy is not something we should put on the back burner. Developing our minds is not something we should put off. Going after your dream life is something you also shouldn't procrastinate. Telling someone that you love them is definitely not something you should procrastinate. All the things that make you LIVE NOW in the moment with content are things that you shouldn't procrastinate. If you want to progress in those things I mentioned, you must not procratinate. You must push play and get started if you want to get to where you want to be! Thanks for reading, and we'll talk soon!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Reaping Rewards

     "Just do a little bit everyday, and you will see big change." 
Have you ever thought your efforts were for nothing? Sometimes it just seems like the fruits of your labor just will never come to fruition. Don't lose sight of your goal if you're not seeing the results immediately! Today I reaped the rewards of some of my hard work. I recently was able to lead a group workout that I had designed. Another thing I was able to reap the rewards of was the results of a test that I've been studying quite hard for in my Human Biology class. Neither of these things happened over night though. It just took time, effort and just showing up. 
     With the workout I designed I started designing it two months prior to the day it was due. I worked on it a little bit everyday. Whether it was tweaking the playlist of songs, the order of the exercises or even things that I would say, I added just a little bit everyday. That little bit everyday made all the difference though. It all added up to a not perfect, but polished product for others and myself to experience and enjoy. I received great feedback from the class and my instructor, which was pleasing to my ego, but that wasn't the best thing. The best part about my workout is that the next morning I knew I did good. Why you might ask? Because I was SO SORE! Not the bad kind but the good kind. Some people might say "that is most definitely not the best part about working out", but I beg to differ. Being sore means that you broke yourself down a little bit, and because of it you'll be even stronger once you've repaired your muscles. Now to relate reaping the words to a not so sexy topic, SCIENCE!
     Human Biology to be exact! I recently had an exam that was not so easy to pass, but I applied the same principle of just studying a little everyday. With this challenge I reaped a huge reward. I scored 105%, and the highest in my class. This is not something I should be prideful about, but feel thankful for. Thankful for the work ethic that I was taught. Thankful for the authors that wrote all the books I've read that have given me knowledge. I also thank God for giving me a spirit that never gives up. 
     For those of you reading this, I want you to know that even if you haven't seen fruition from your efforts, just keep moving forward, keep showing up, don't give up on your dream and you will see t come to fruition! Remember to LIVE NOW, and we'll talk soon!

Monday, November 21, 2016

The Art Of Exercise

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    "The art of medicine was to be properly learned only from its practice and exercise."
Thomas Sydenham

 Today I got the most wonderful opportunity to lead my very own workout in a group fitness setting. Ever since I've done Insanity just over three years ago I've always wanted to do what Shaun T did for people. It wasn't the workout that I wanted to be able to deliver to people, because anyone can call out moves. I wanted to be able to deliver the positive energy he created by encouraging people to move their body. I just love the way he makes exercise a positive thing you want to do and not something that you just have to do. Shaun T truly makes teaching group fitness an art in itself. What qualities make it an "art" though? What is qualifies something as an art? For me art is something that takes imagination and creativity. Art is something that can be appreciated by the senses. Art is also something that evokes emotion. Let me tell you how I think leading a group fitness activity is an art.
     When I was creating my workout for my class, it honestly was harder than I thought. Originally I thought, "Oh I'll just throw together different moves and turn on some music."... Nope. The over achiever in me refused to make it that simple. What I did was make a playlist of songs to make sure I stay within my time limit, but every song had 4 moves that you'd repeat three times through. To go a step further, all the exercises were doable with the beat of the songs. That's just a brief explanation of how I prepared, but that's not the only creativity I needed. (Note to self... almost nothing goes exactly as planned.) Once I started the workout I immediately found out that I'm going to have cut somethings out and add somethings in to my plan. The biggest thing is being able to adapt the routine to what is needed. It's very similar to playing music on stage, just go with the flow. You can only go with the flow if you've prepared in the first place though. Also if you don't make it interesting and engaging your audience will be unmotivated and they will give up. To make this not happen you must engage your creativity and imagination.
     Obviously you can observe a workout routine with your senses. When your working out you use your sense of touch to feel the floor beneath your feet, you hear the gasps of breath, you see the others around you pushing through their discomfort, you taste blood (Haha hopefully not!), and you smell the sweat and over done layers of perfume. The things you might be sensing might not be the most pleasant in the moment, but they make you feel accomplished once the craziness has passed.
      For me the most important thing that makes exercising an art is the emotion. For me there are a range of motions that I can feel when I'm working out. I can feel excited right before, happy during the warm up, tranquil when I'm stretching, angry during the painful part of the workout, and happy once I've completed the workout. Quite honestly, I workout for the emotional aspect. It helps me know that I can push through all things in life coming out of it stronger than I was before.
     It's amazing how art surrounds us in forms that we are not aware of. I'm so grateful that Shaun T was able to show me and so many others the art of exercise. It allows us to see it in a much more positive light, knowing that this performance is making us faster, stronger, smarter, and healthier. I love the art of exercise and how it can help people shape their lives in a strong and healthy fashion. Remember to LIVE NOW, and we'll talk soon!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Stepping Up

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"Step up to the challenge, believe in yourself, and do what it takes. Right now is a great time to start."

     So tomorrow I get the chance to be a group fitness instructor for one of my classes in school. I admit that I'm very nervous about this opportunity. I always love the idea of getting up there in front of a crowd and performing. I mean that's one reason I love being a musician, but this is different. 
     Tomorrow I'm stepping up to a stage without my bass guitar. Sometimes I see my bass as my armor, to separate me from any unsavory possibilities. The reason I see it as that is because of how many years I've performed with it and developed it. I have refined it to where I'm comfortable in front of an audience with it. I guess that is what is also holding me back from bigger things. Hiding behind what is comfortable never got anyone anywhere. 
     Me getting up in front of people and leading them through a workout is not just calling out exercises. It is the opportunity to motivate, to inspire, to show people they have a lot more inside of them. Failing to do that is what I am nervous about I suppose. I am also excited though, for the same reason I am nervous. For years now, I've been motivated by Shaun T to "Dig Deeper", to "Max Out", to "Find my inner athlete" and to "Trust and Believe" in myself. I think that is why I'm where I am now because I acted on all of those motivational mantras, and now I have an opportunity to share that positivity with those in my class. 
     Now that I think about how long I've really been preparing for opportunities like this one, I know I'm ready. This will start something big for me. A new experience, a new journey in my path in health and fitness. I may not know what is beyond the light at the end of the tunnel, but I know it is an opportunity to step up to the challenge, the challenge to LIVE NOW in fresh experiences and opportunities. Thanks for reading and we'll talk soon!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

It's A Long Way To The Top, So Bring A Friend!

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"I love it when people doubt me. It makes me work harder to prove them wrong."
-Derek Jeter

     So today when I was doing my workout, my dad came down stairs and was watching me. I was dying at this point in the workout, but something in me wouldn't let me stop. You could say it was pride. There are those people in our lives that we refuse to show any hint of being tired or close to giving up. We just throw on our game faces and act like "Oh this is nothin, ha!" Why do we push harder for some people, but then for others we don't push very much or at all? It's not because we feel loved more by these people, because there are some people in my life that I feel little love from but still push hard for. For me at least, I think I push hard for these people in my life because I want to prove them wrong. Now there is more to life than just being right and proving people wrong, but the desire to prove someone wrong is a force to reckoned with. Let me explain why.
     In my experience today, what was I proving? That I was physically fit? That 22 Minute Hard Corps is easy? (By the way, 22 Minute Hard Corps is anything but easy...#youmightdie!) Honestly I didn't know exactly what I was proving until right now while I was writing this sentence. What I was proving to my dad had nothing to do with the workout. It had everything to do with the fact that I didn't stop. I didn't give up no matter how uncomfortable those Gorilla Crawls were. My dad has always been a hardworking man that has done whatever was necessary to take care of his family. That is a characteristic that I have learned from him. He has always said "Never surrender" and that is what I am doing. The only problem is that it's not something that he believes is possible. In my post about "That's not how the world works" I talked about my conversation about my career choice and how I was not going to do anything I didn't love. My dream of doing what I love everyday is what I am not surrendering. (Haha, I guess my dad's lecture about never surrendering kind of stuck in a way he didn't really predict.) 
     The most difficult part about this situation is not having the support of someone close to me. Now I have the support of some people, which I appreciate with utmost gratitude. This situation has brought to my attention that some of the most discouraging people are your friends and family. Something I heard from a motivational video recently is that some people don't want you to go after your dreams because it reminds them that they gave up on theirs. I think this is true in the sense of my scenario. It's because of how close they are to me that they have that much pull on me, but I can't give up my dream! I have to push forward and up. 
     What I've been trying to implement to assure I don't lose my momentum to the top is, associating myself with people that have bigger goals than myself and people that are going to the top. You are the sum of the people around you, so if you have big goals make sure they do to. Now I'm not saying leave your family and friends behind. (I would never leave my family or friends behind, hence my gumption to never surrender.)  I'm saying invite them to come with you to the top. Be the starter of other people's fire. It will only add to your own fire by helping bring others to the top with you. That is something I'm trying to do. Bring others to the top with me. Misery likes company... Well I think love and happiness does to.
     I hope me sharing my thoughts helps all you readers out there to know that you're not alone on this journey to the top. My journey to the top is what makes me LIVE NOW, and it's worth every failure that I experience as long as I don't surrender my dream! Never surrender and we'll talk soon at the top of whatever mountain of success you climb. Thank you for reading!  

Friday, November 18, 2016

Input and Output

"Strummer's Law: No input, no output."
Joe Strummer
Image result for quotes about input and output of the brain
     Today, I've had this quiet mind. I don't know where it came from but my guess is that I've been having more output than input and my brain is awaiting input. I admit it is nice to have a quiet mind. Not just because I don't have to deal with those random squirrel thoughts, but because I can relax. Part of me is saying "Don't let off the gas!" just because this whole week I've been go go go, but there must be balance between rest and activity, whether physical or mental. 
     The point is, everyone must go through cycles of input and cycles of output. It's in our physiology to have input or sensory information to be taken in, and then output, reacting to the information that has been sensed. It's one of the characteristics of a living thing to be able to react to one's environment. Another example of input and output is food and the physical activity. If you don't have a sufficient amount of input or food, you will decrease the amount of physical activity because of the lack of energy. That is what my mind has done. Decreased the output because of the lack of "food" for thought. 
     It's not just about just having any kind of input though. Same as it's not the amount of calories that counts, but the amount of quality calories that makes the difference. Now, relating that to input to the mind (by the way, these are just my preferences not what I think is bad), I'd rather read a book about the effects of exercise on the brain than let's say go read a comic book. For me, that is something I'd see as better quality input for my brain.
     The way to remedy my quiet mind is to get some input. So this weekend I'm going to be reading, listening to podcasts! You should try it sometime if you haven't done so, you'd be amazed with your output, it helps me LIVE NOW! Thanks for reading and we'll talk soon!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Know Your Body, Change Your Life

"You have to know your body. It's part of the beauty of the training process, and once you've determined how much your body and your mind can take, you can then begin to reach your potential."

-Frank Shorter

     Today I was listening to a podcast from the The Chalene Show about body types, and it enlightened me on why I have been so successful with the workout regiments that I've pursued the past 3 years, but before I get into my personal story, I want to give a very brief summary of the 4 different body types that she talks about in her podcast. (which you can find in the iTunes store and on the podcast app and listen to for absolutely free!)
     So the 4 different body types consist of Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph and a Combo of two of the three. What these types are based off of is bone structure. The ectomorph is the person who you would know as the person who has narrow hips and clavicles, small joints, thin build, stringy muscle bellies and long limbs. The Mesomorph is in between Ectomorph and Endomorph with wide clavicles, narrow waist, thinner joints and long and round muscle bellies. The Endomorph is the person with a kind of blocky and thick rib cage, wider and thicker joints, hips as wide or wider than clavicles and shorter limbs. Then there are people that are combos of either Ectomorph/Mesomorph combo or Endomorph/Mesomorph combo. Now, NO BODY TYPE IS BETTER OR WORSE THAN THE OTHER! They all have pros and cons, but it's about learning what your body type is and training it in the best way for your body to meet your goals. You can probably figure out what your body type is just by looking at those characteristics that I listed, but if you're not sure you could have a professional take a look and see, or you can just go the easiest route and take an internet quiz. Either way knowing this will be valuable to you!
     Now three years ago I didn't know any of this, but I happened to just take a lucky guess and started training my body the way it would get the results I was looking for. My body type is a Combo between mostly Mesomorph with a little bit of Ectomorph mixed in. This means that I have a naturally fit body but, to maintain or improve it, I have to adopt an exercise and diet regimen that compliments my build. I can strength train more often and for longer periods of time, but have to be careful not to overdo it. I can train with moderate to heavy weighs and keep a moderate pace, making sure not to rest too long between sets. I find that I gain muscle quite easily. Now I also have Ectomorphic characteristics as well such as small joints at my wrist and ankles. All these characteristics don't mean anything though if I don't test and retest how my body reacts to changes. Now that I know this, I can better adapt my workouts to my body so that I can achieve my peak performance.
     I could go on and talk about all the body types and what they need to do to get the results they desire, but I feel it important to DIY (Do It Yourself). Researching for one's self is part of life, and developing yourself. I hope this information is something you can use to reach your goals and better yourself and LIVE NOW! Thanks for reading and we'll talk soon!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

"That's Not The Way The World Works..."

"The world is a book and if you do not travel you only read one page."Image result for world gears

-St. Augustine

     So the other day, I was having a conversation with my dad. He asked me how the job hunt was going. After I explained what I did as a Beachbody Coach, he then followed with "You won't make any money that way." When I showed him the compensation plan to show him that I actually can make money this way, he then said that "You need to find a real job." When I showed him what I did, and that doing this actually is "work". He asked why I was doing it. The reason I picked to be a Coach for Beachbody was because I wanted help people to find a healthier and more fit self that is inside of them, while I make a paycheck and do the things I love to do: Be healthy, be happy, have a flexible schedule and have a fit lifestyle. The next thing that he said surprised me, "that's not the way the world works". That honestly was depressing. Not for me, but my dad. I was sad that he thought that being healthy, happy, having a flexible schedule, and being fit while doing many other things that I love wasn't possible because of how the world works. It made me think though. How does the world work?
     As I pondered that question it made me question "How does my dad know how the world works?" Then I realized he doesn't. He may know how his world works and understand it as far as his perception will allow, but is his world different than mine. Obviously it is, because I see going after what I love in life as the only logical thing. I think St. Augustine said it best, "the world is a book and if you do not travel you only read one page." The way I see and interpret this quote is that we can only understand the page in life that we have read, and even then there is still more to learn. 
     The way I'm going about this Beachbody Coaching though is completely on me. I made it so success is the only option by not looking for another job aside from working at the School of Rock. I will either sink or swim. That is why I will succeed though, there is no retreat to security and complacency. There is only forward. If everyone would go after what they really love from life, people would be so much happier and more fulfilled as people. That is why I'm committed to show that this kind of lifestyle, going after what you love to do, is possible for anyone if you are fully committed. That is how you LIVE NOW, by doing what you love. Thanks and we'll talk soon!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

No More Morning Alarms!

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"The more you do, the more you should sleep."                             -Dr. Roger Washington

     Who loves their alarm in the morning? I didn't think so. You wake up to a blaring siren to wake you from your slumber, so that you're not late for your daily obligations. A podcast I recently listened to from Fat Burning Man with Abel James interviewing Dr Roger Washington brought up that if you need an alarm to wake up, then you're depriving yourself of sleep. I thought that was interesting, and here's why.
     For the longest time, I've used my alarms religiously. I use it to wake up, make sure I don't be late for school, so I'm not late to work, to make sure I'm not spending excessive time on one thing and etc. You could say I was obsessed with keeping myself on a schedule. When I heard this podcast though, I kind of cringed at the thought of not using my alarm to wake me up, because I fear being late to places. (Now if you're one of my bass students reading this, you guys are a completely different story. I go overtime on your lesson almost always just because I love you guys!) The idea of having more energy sounded nice though, so I decided this past week to try not having an alarm in the morning. The first day I woke up way to early, just because I was still afraid of being late. The next day though it was better. I found that I didn't get as tired early in the day, which made it so I could do more. 
     You'd think if you slept more than your alarm that you wouldn't get as much done, but I found out otherwise. I was more productive, my mood was better and I had more energy. So you could say this experiment was a success. I found out that not having an alarm actually did improve my daily performance. So if your looking at trying something that could improve your performance, look at your sleep to see if that is where you are lacking. If you have more energy, it allows you to LIVE EVEN MORE NOW than you would without as much sleep! Thanks for reading and we'll talk soon.

P.s. Here's the link to the sweet podcast from Abel James if you want more info on sleep...

Monday, November 14, 2016

Stop Wasting My Time!

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"Time is money."

-Benjamin Franklin
     Today in my flexibility class, I was reminded of how important time is. I recently read it "The 4 Hour Workweek" by Tim Feriss that "time is the currency of the New Rich", and I believe it. There was this girl  and this guy that I will have remain nameless that had to lead the class through a workout. These workouts that we get to lead people through are basically our project for the semester, so they're worth a good amount of our grade. Needless to say, they didn't prepare for the presentation and winged it on the spot. I perceived from observing that they really didn't care, which kind of annoyed me because I'm paying to be there and have my time wasted. (I'm not one to waste time. Some might say that I'm obsessed with productivity and progression, but I'd rather call it being aware of the best use of my time.) That wasn't the only thing that bothered me though. I noticed that everyone on their grading papers were giving them full points, even though they knew their performance was sub par. I refused to lie, so I wrote what I really thought.Hopefully they don't take it personally, but it is the score I felt they deserved.That just didn't make sense to me to give them full points, but it made me feel as though everyone else didn't care either.   What is the deal with that? Anyways, moral of the story, we should care how we spend our time. We should try and prepare to succeed instead of prepare to fail. Our time is a valuable currency that is non-refundable, and we should spend it wisely. Spend it preparing to succeed at what we want most! Spend it on things that make us LIVE NOW! Thanks for reading this little rant, hopefully you can find the best way to spend your time and LIVE NOW! We'll talk soon!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Health In Relationships: Communication Breakdown

"Communication is key."

     I recently finished the book "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman, and found it most enlightening. To know that the only thing standing in the way of a strong and healthy relationship is communicating in the language that the other person feels most loved in, is so simple yet we make it complicated. Why is that? 
     My initial thoughts are that I for one don't like the answer to be simple if I feel my problem is something I perceive to be complicated. It makes me feel slow to understand. Einstein put it best though "if you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough". So that is why this book is fantastic if you're looking to improve relationships. It's a simple strategy that is proven to work not just in relationships, but in day to day interactions. With what's going on in this world I feel that everyone could try and speak other people's love language to try and express themselves. 
     So for me personally after reading this book I found out that I have two very dominant love languages. They are, words of affirmation and spending quality time. I kind of suspected this considering I get so excited to point of jumping up and down when I get a message from the significant person in my life. But I also get pretty close to this gleeful when I get to spend time with her. I guess you could say I'd be a cheap person to shop for during the holidays. I know people say words are cheap, but not in my book. They mean the world to me. 
     Knowing this about myself will help me be able to tell people how they can best be there for me. I think that is important considering I know a lot of people that ask how they can help in my life. I'm sure that's true for you as well. I encourage to find out what your love language is and even read the book. I found a lot of useful things that I hope to implement in my life to love people more deeply by speaking their "language". It will help me have more healthy and fit relationships with people.
     Thanks for reading, remember to LIVE NOW, and we'll talk soon!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Wake Up Excited, Go To Sleep Accomplished

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"Wake up determined, go to bed accomplished."

     As it nears the end of the week, I reflect on what has happened. I woke up everyday excited to see what the day had in store for me, and everyday I went to sleep feeling accomplished in some way. I stayed consistent with my workouts. I look at all that I've had the opportunity to do and the people I've been blessed to have in my life. Really that is all I can ask for from life. Thanks to those who have made my life what it is today, you know who you are! Just Remember to LIVE NOW, and we'll talk soon!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Treat Not Cheat

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"I don't believe in cheating, I believe in treating."
-Shaun T
Aren't treats just delicious? I went with some of my favorite people to the movies and enjoyed some popcorn and got some frozen yogurt, and it was the bomb! DELICIOUS! I LOVE treats, but some people think because of the way my body looks that I wouldn't like to enjoy an ice cream cone, or a slice of apple pie. Truth is, I like both of those things together. There's a reason it's called a treat. It's that little bit of extra on top of all the good. But it is possible to have too much of a good thing, and that is most people's problem.
     One of the main reasons I love to stay fit and healthy is not just so I can look good, although that is nice, but so that I can treat myself every once in while. It gives me the sense of being deserving of a treat. If I was to make treats a consistent habit three times everyday, that wouldn't be a treat, that would be a cheat. It would be cheating me out being healthy and fit, which can lead to a whole slew of other problems. Treats are treats because they aren't a consistent three times a day thing, they're simple, sweet and small. 
     So the next time you go out with your friends to the movie, don't feel inhibited to have the popcorn or other sweets, just know what your goals are to know when your treating yourself or cheating yourself. Live your life with enjoyment though. 
     Thanks for reading, remember to LIVE NOW, and we'll talk soon!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

I Just Hate Over Achievers

There’s nothing wrong with ordinary. I just prefer to shoot for extraordinary.”
-Darren Hardy

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     Today was a wonderful day for my workout. Not because I was able to keep up with the platoon from 22 Minute Hard Corps, there was times I was way behind them going at my pace. The thing that was great about it was that on one particular exercise I was able to perform more than what was required. It might seem like a small feat for some to do 26 push-ups in the time that the other people do 25, but there is a big theme behind that simple achievement. That is over achievement. Now I know when you think of over achievers you kind of see them with disgust, but let me explain why over achieving is essential when it comes to succeeding at your goals. Whether it's physical fitness or something else, I can apply it in a positive way.
     When it comes to goals, we are taught about making SMART goals. That's an acronym for making your goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. That seems logical right? That is the problem though, it is logical. Throughout history there have been men and women that have had such illogical goals that people laughed in their face and completely discredited their ideas only to be surprised that what they saw as unrealistic was actually possible. To name a few people that have experienced this dismissal of credibility, Jim Carey, Oprah Winfrey and J.K. Rowling, all experienced this. Their goals seemed unrealistic and unattainable to most, but not to them, because they knew if they did their very best plus a little extra they could get what they were after.
     So relating these ultra successful people back to me performing 26 push-ups in the time it took everyone else to do 25. Because they didn't stop when they achieved what they initially had planned, but gave it even more effort, they succeeded even more. Something I heard in one of Shaun T's most recent podcasts from Trust and Believe was to "place your finish line farther than the actual finish line". That idea resonated with me, to the point that if I practiced my process to just get to my finish line, that is all I will be able to achieve. If I just move that finish line a little farther, there is so much more I can achieve. This is why my 26 push-ups to the rest of the people's 25 was significant to me today. If I keep trying to push just a little bit past the finish line, I will find much bigger results than if I were to remain fixed on the actual finish line. 
     That is why being an over achiever is a good thing and essential to mine and you're own success. I hope you found this helpful and inspiring to push just a little farther than you are required. Thanks for reading and always remember to LIVE NOW! We'll talk soon!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

You Are A Data Point

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"What we choose to share, defines who we are."
C. Voyatzis

    I had a really cool experience today while I was at school today that reminded me how I can be an influence on others by what I share. 
     The receptionist at the LAC building at SLCC stopped me before I left today and wanted to thank me. I ask for what, and he said "I just really like how open of a person you are. I really like that you've taken the time to share information with me. Not forcing information on me, but sharing. Especially the knowledge you learned from "Chi Running" by Danny Dreyer. Those things you took the time to share with me, really helped my evolve my health and fitness to a whole new level. I also like that we were able to share our own life philosophies with each other without the pressure of thinking that the other person is going to jump down the others throat if they say something that the other doesn't totally agree with." 
     That compliment reminded me of how much of an influence I can be on the people around me, which also brings me to my point of this post. I may have been a good influence to him, but what about all the other people in my life? It brought to my attention that I need to be aware of how I am influencing people and what I am sharing with people, because sometimes I might be influencing someone for the negative and not even know it. I need to also be skeptical towards the people I follow and look up to. Why? Because they are influencing me. Which means most of the information that I share with others is coming through those people. To be put plainly, I need to be careful on who I believe because I influence other people, and if the person that is influencing me is walking off the ledge of a cliff then I will soon follow, then the people following me. 
      This thought made me feel like an immense responsibility was given to me, but it can be a gift as well. In my case today, it was a gift. I was able to help someone find information that helped bring their health and fitness to the next level. I may not be a certified professional in health and fitness, but I was able to share something that has helped me. You could say I'm a professional sharer. We all are professional sharers and with this profession comes a great responsibility. We have a responsibility to share what we know, but also to look at where we are getting our "wisdom". To be honest, we cannot know the whole truth to anything without experiencing it, and even then that is only one data point on a graph of possibilities. What works for one person may not work for another, and that is perfectly natural. 
     I just believe that we must share what we know to be truth for ourselves, continue to question what we know and know the intent of sharing what we think we know to be able to try and hone our influence for the better. Be open to being wrong though. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Pace Yourself

Image result for Tortoise and the hare"You don't have to go fast, you just have to go."

     Today in my workout, I was doing Resistance 1 from the Beachbody fitness program 22 Minute Hard Corps, and reminded me of how much I can improve. I mean it is only day two of the program, but I was a little annoyed with myself when I wasn't able to keep up with the speed of the rest of the people on the TV. What can I say, I have high expectations for myself. It's not a bad thing most of the time. Most of the time I'm able to do everything physically at a speed faster than most, which kind of makes sense why I'd be a little disappointed when I can't do something as fast.
     This was a good reminder that I still can improve, but I also remembered something even more important. Even though I wasn't able to keep up with Tony Horton and the rest of the crew, I kept working out at my pace. I didn't stop! From what I see, when most people get behind they think "Oh, well if I can't keep up, I might as well quit trying." DON'T GIVE UP! Just because you can't go as fast as Tony Horton, or Shaun T or Chalean Johnson doesn't mean you have failed at your race. Like in the story of the Tortoise and Hare, steady and slow wins the race. Consistently showing up and doing your best is what will win you your race. 
     This little reminder helped me through this workout. Even though I wasn't able to go at the their pace, I stayed with mine and made it the full 22 minutes without stopping. Whether your race is health and fitness, your career, school or relationships, showing up and putting in the work is what will get the prize. You'll get disappointed at times, but just remember to go at your pace to win your race. 
     Thanks for reading, remember to LIVE NOW and we'll talk soon!