Friday, November 18, 2016

Input and Output

"Strummer's Law: No input, no output."
Joe Strummer
Image result for quotes about input and output of the brain
     Today, I've had this quiet mind. I don't know where it came from but my guess is that I've been having more output than input and my brain is awaiting input. I admit it is nice to have a quiet mind. Not just because I don't have to deal with those random squirrel thoughts, but because I can relax. Part of me is saying "Don't let off the gas!" just because this whole week I've been go go go, but there must be balance between rest and activity, whether physical or mental. 
     The point is, everyone must go through cycles of input and cycles of output. It's in our physiology to have input or sensory information to be taken in, and then output, reacting to the information that has been sensed. It's one of the characteristics of a living thing to be able to react to one's environment. Another example of input and output is food and the physical activity. If you don't have a sufficient amount of input or food, you will decrease the amount of physical activity because of the lack of energy. That is what my mind has done. Decreased the output because of the lack of "food" for thought. 
     It's not just about just having any kind of input though. Same as it's not the amount of calories that counts, but the amount of quality calories that makes the difference. Now, relating that to input to the mind (by the way, these are just my preferences not what I think is bad), I'd rather read a book about the effects of exercise on the brain than let's say go read a comic book. For me, that is something I'd see as better quality input for my brain.
     The way to remedy my quiet mind is to get some input. So this weekend I'm going to be reading, listening to podcasts! You should try it sometime if you haven't done so, you'd be amazed with your output, it helps me LIVE NOW! Thanks for reading and we'll talk soon!

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