Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Start of A Journey

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
-Lao Tzu

     I know this isn't the beginning of my journey, but it's the start of a journey that I'm embarking on to improve my well being in all areas of life. Health, fitness, financial stability, relationships, as well as mental and spiritual wellness. I don't know what this journey will bring, but I know opportunities will rise. They always do. I know that I will be faced with discouragement and things that I might see as an unbeatable adversary, but I've been told by the wonderful authors on my book shelf, that failure is on the path of success, so don't forget that it is part of the journey to success! 
     Now, I have been doing Beachbody's fitness programs for over 3 years now, and have seen great results in myself and on my physical self. I was introduced to Beachbody once my sister showed me Shaun T on Doctor Oz, demonstrating the warm up from Insanity. After doing warm up myself, I knew that I had to get it. Once it arrived, I could hardly wait to start, so I kick started my journey once I opened the box. Ever since then, I've been doing almost ALL of Shaun T's workouts from CIZE all the way to the Insanity The Asylum videos, as well as Tony Horton's P90X, Chalene Johnson's PIYO and many other ones (once I got Beachbody On Demand). I didn't just gain abs from all those workouts, I gained an unshakable belief in myself. I knew that I could make any change in my life that I desired if I just followed all those cheesy but true mantras from those videos (Bring It, Define Yourself, Dig Deeper, Max Out, Trust and Believe, etc...) So knowing that I can make a change in my life gives me confidence in not just my body's performance and physique, but confidence in who I am. 

     I've wanted to thank all of those Beachbody super trainers over the years, but I haven't really found a fitting way to thank them until now. Just this past week I decided to commit and succeed at being a Beachbody Coach. The reason I think this is the most fitting way to thank Shaun T, Tony Horton, Chalene Johnson and all the other phenomenal super trainers is because as a Beachbody Coach I get the opportunity to share with people my success and help others find success in their health and fitness. Every time I share about Beachbody and Shakeology it is a "Thank You!" from me to all those trainers and people at Beachbody, because they made a huge difference in my life! 

     So this is a new beginning to my life, that will add so much value to it by helping others. Everyday we wake from our sleep, we have the opportunity to live another day and find out who we really are and what we are capable of. Something that I've heard from somewhere (I'm not sure where, so if you know, please comment where I got this idea from!) was that "In order to find yourself, you must forget yourself." If this is true, then I am excited to find people to help and share with, because it will also help me find out the good I can be. Thanks for reading, remember to LIVE NOW and we'll talk soon!

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