Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Pace Yourself

Image result for Tortoise and the hare"You don't have to go fast, you just have to go."

     Today in my workout, I was doing Resistance 1 from the Beachbody fitness program 22 Minute Hard Corps, and reminded me of how much I can improve. I mean it is only day two of the program, but I was a little annoyed with myself when I wasn't able to keep up with the speed of the rest of the people on the TV. What can I say, I have high expectations for myself. It's not a bad thing most of the time. Most of the time I'm able to do everything physically at a speed faster than most, which kind of makes sense why I'd be a little disappointed when I can't do something as fast.
     This was a good reminder that I still can improve, but I also remembered something even more important. Even though I wasn't able to keep up with Tony Horton and the rest of the crew, I kept working out at my pace. I didn't stop! From what I see, when most people get behind they think "Oh, well if I can't keep up, I might as well quit trying." DON'T GIVE UP! Just because you can't go as fast as Tony Horton, or Shaun T or Chalean Johnson doesn't mean you have failed at your race. Like in the story of the Tortoise and Hare, steady and slow wins the race. Consistently showing up and doing your best is what will win you your race. 
     This little reminder helped me through this workout. Even though I wasn't able to go at the their pace, I stayed with mine and made it the full 22 minutes without stopping. Whether your race is health and fitness, your career, school or relationships, showing up and putting in the work is what will get the prize. You'll get disappointed at times, but just remember to go at your pace to win your race. 
     Thanks for reading, remember to LIVE NOW and we'll talk soon!

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