Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Crossroads...Big And Small

"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong."
-Joseph Chilton Pearce

Image result for crossroadsIt's hard to force creativity. The reason I say that, is because I've recently been trying to create a gift this Christmas for a certain someone. Today I've been reading and writing to try and come up with the most perfect gift. I know I recently I wrote about a post about how to give a thoughtful and meaningful gift which helps, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist. That certain trait is what I feel is slowing me down. As a perfectionist I don't want to make a wrong choice, even if either choice is not a "wrong" choice. I want to make the choice that will be of the most benefit to those around me and myself. That is my flaw though. My perfectionist tendencies is what is standing in the way of me and discovering the most creative gift I can draw up. The fear of being wrong along with not acting unless you are positive about the choice never got anyone anywhere. You just need to put whatever you have in your mind out there, and adjust it along the way. Even though I say this and believe it, doesn't mean I think it is easy. I actually think it's a hard thing to do. To take a leap into the unknown, not knowing what you will find takes a lot of courage. No one wants to be wrong, but it's the wrong choices that I've learned the most from. So when you come to a crossroads with two choices that could be equally as good, just pick one and go with it. As long as you choose one, you'll see good results. Jumping into the unknown is one of the best ways to LIVE NOW, at least for me! Try it sometime, and we'll talk soon!

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