Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Perfect Gift (At Least For Me!)

"No gift is too small to give or too simple to receive, if it's chosen with thoughtfulness and given with love."
Image result for gifts
     As I reflect on this past weekend with Thanksgiving as well as the anniversary of my birth, the thing that sticks out in my mind right now is how powerful it is to be thoughtful. The reason I bring this up is because of a gift that I was given. It was a gift that is priceless to me. Every time I view it, my heart sings the song of paradise found. The only gifts that really do that for me are gifts that took thought, creativity and was delivered with love. As we enter this Holiday Season we all scramble to find the most perfect gift for our loved ones and we tend to over complicate it. Now if you're looking for the ideal gift, the answer may just be found in your mind and heart. Let me give you my tips for giving a thoughtful, creative and loving gift!
     1) One quality of the perfect gift for me, is when the gift is tied to a memory. When a gift is symbolic of or given in remembrance of a memory that the two of you share it means a whole lot more than just what the gift is made out of. It adds something that you can remember every time you see it. Just make sure it's tied to a memory that is good! ;)
     2) Another thing that makes a gift mean a whole lot more to me is if the person uses their talents to create it. A homemade gift isn't necessarily expensive, but it took your time, energy and attention to make it. As far as I'm concerned our most valuable possessions are our time, energy, and attention, which makes the gift even more valuable to the person's heart.
     3) The last thing that creates the ideal gift for me is messages from the heart. When I receive gifts I always keep the card because I believe that it is a piece of the person's love that I can keep and cherish. Telling someone how much they mean to you is what makes the gift immortal, at least for me in my memory.
     These are my three tips of how to find the most meaningful gifts for those you love. We all know that giving is what the Holiday Season is about, and I know that giving is what can make you and I LIVE NOW and in the moment. Remember to use your memory, use your talents, and tell those you love how much they mean to you, and you won't need to panic about finding a gift. The Beatles had it right when they said "Love is all you need"! Thanks for reading, and we'll talk soon!

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