Saturday, November 19, 2016

It's A Long Way To The Top, So Bring A Friend!

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"I love it when people doubt me. It makes me work harder to prove them wrong."
-Derek Jeter

     So today when I was doing my workout, my dad came down stairs and was watching me. I was dying at this point in the workout, but something in me wouldn't let me stop. You could say it was pride. There are those people in our lives that we refuse to show any hint of being tired or close to giving up. We just throw on our game faces and act like "Oh this is nothin, ha!" Why do we push harder for some people, but then for others we don't push very much or at all? It's not because we feel loved more by these people, because there are some people in my life that I feel little love from but still push hard for. For me at least, I think I push hard for these people in my life because I want to prove them wrong. Now there is more to life than just being right and proving people wrong, but the desire to prove someone wrong is a force to reckoned with. Let me explain why.
     In my experience today, what was I proving? That I was physically fit? That 22 Minute Hard Corps is easy? (By the way, 22 Minute Hard Corps is anything but easy...#youmightdie!) Honestly I didn't know exactly what I was proving until right now while I was writing this sentence. What I was proving to my dad had nothing to do with the workout. It had everything to do with the fact that I didn't stop. I didn't give up no matter how uncomfortable those Gorilla Crawls were. My dad has always been a hardworking man that has done whatever was necessary to take care of his family. That is a characteristic that I have learned from him. He has always said "Never surrender" and that is what I am doing. The only problem is that it's not something that he believes is possible. In my post about "That's not how the world works" I talked about my conversation about my career choice and how I was not going to do anything I didn't love. My dream of doing what I love everyday is what I am not surrendering. (Haha, I guess my dad's lecture about never surrendering kind of stuck in a way he didn't really predict.) 
     The most difficult part about this situation is not having the support of someone close to me. Now I have the support of some people, which I appreciate with utmost gratitude. This situation has brought to my attention that some of the most discouraging people are your friends and family. Something I heard from a motivational video recently is that some people don't want you to go after your dreams because it reminds them that they gave up on theirs. I think this is true in the sense of my scenario. It's because of how close they are to me that they have that much pull on me, but I can't give up my dream! I have to push forward and up. 
     What I've been trying to implement to assure I don't lose my momentum to the top is, associating myself with people that have bigger goals than myself and people that are going to the top. You are the sum of the people around you, so if you have big goals make sure they do to. Now I'm not saying leave your family and friends behind. (I would never leave my family or friends behind, hence my gumption to never surrender.)  I'm saying invite them to come with you to the top. Be the starter of other people's fire. It will only add to your own fire by helping bring others to the top with you. That is something I'm trying to do. Bring others to the top with me. Misery likes company... Well I think love and happiness does to.
     I hope me sharing my thoughts helps all you readers out there to know that you're not alone on this journey to the top. My journey to the top is what makes me LIVE NOW, and it's worth every failure that I experience as long as I don't surrender my dream! Never surrender and we'll talk soon at the top of whatever mountain of success you climb. Thank you for reading!  

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