Tuesday, November 15, 2016

No More Morning Alarms!

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"The more you do, the more you should sleep."                             -Dr. Roger Washington

     Who loves their alarm in the morning? I didn't think so. You wake up to a blaring siren to wake you from your slumber, so that you're not late for your daily obligations. A podcast I recently listened to from Fat Burning Man with Abel James interviewing Dr Roger Washington brought up that if you need an alarm to wake up, then you're depriving yourself of sleep. I thought that was interesting, and here's why.
     For the longest time, I've used my alarms religiously. I use it to wake up, make sure I don't be late for school, so I'm not late to work, to make sure I'm not spending excessive time on one thing and etc. You could say I was obsessed with keeping myself on a schedule. When I heard this podcast though, I kind of cringed at the thought of not using my alarm to wake me up, because I fear being late to places. (Now if you're one of my bass students reading this, you guys are a completely different story. I go overtime on your lesson almost always just because I love you guys!) The idea of having more energy sounded nice though, so I decided this past week to try not having an alarm in the morning. The first day I woke up way to early, just because I was still afraid of being late. The next day though it was better. I found that I didn't get as tired early in the day, which made it so I could do more. 
     You'd think if you slept more than your alarm that you wouldn't get as much done, but I found out otherwise. I was more productive, my mood was better and I had more energy. So you could say this experiment was a success. I found out that not having an alarm actually did improve my daily performance. So if your looking at trying something that could improve your performance, look at your sleep to see if that is where you are lacking. If you have more energy, it allows you to LIVE EVEN MORE NOW than you would without as much sleep! Thanks for reading and we'll talk soon.

P.s. Here's the link to the sweet podcast from Abel James if you want more info on sleep...

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