Sunday, November 6, 2016

Don't Be Dissatisfied With Where You Start!

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"The starting point of all achievement is desire."
Napolean Hill

     So today I took the 22 Minute Hard Corps, Day Zero fit test. Lets just say that I wasn't impressed with my performance. I mean 8 pull-ups seems kind of "Meh...", especially when I look at... Before I even finish that sentence, what was I just about to do there? If you said that I was about to compare myself to someone else, you'd be right. I find it difficult to not compare myself to others, even though I know that I shouldn't. Why is that?
     Throughout life we are raised comparing ourselves to others. As kids we compare our toys with other children's toys. In middle school we compare our clothes with other kids clothes, and in high school we compare our cars with other people's cars. If the things we do or have don't measure up to what others can do and have, should we feel like less of a person than they are? In my opinion, we compare ourselves to other people to see if we are validated enough to feel good about ourselves.
     To an extent, I feel it is healthy to compare ourselves. Just to see what you can learn from others, but if we are comparing to see self-improvement we shouldn't look at others to find our own betterment. If we are going to compare ourselves to someone, it should be ourselves from the day before. This will allow us to see our improvement no matter how small or large the improvement is, and enable us to feel good about ourselves. After all, we have improved, we just need to look in the right place to see it.
     So now going back to the sentence I didn't finish. The way I would try and complete it is "8 pull-ups seems kind of "Meh...", especially when I look at what I will be able to do". If you can see the results of whatever improvement you're about to make to yourself before it happens, it will make you excited for the journey to come. So in other words, don't be dissatisfied with where you start, especially if you know where you're going. I can't wait to embark on another journey in my pursuit to be healthy and fit, as well as be supportive and supported by an AMAZING Challenge Group in my Beachbody family. It's all about the journey, not the destination.
Continue to LIVE NOW, and we'll talk soon! Thanks!

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