Monday, November 7, 2016

Consistent Rhythmic Momentum

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"Success is like a snowball... It takes momentum to build and the more you roll in the right direction the bigger it gets.

-Steve Ferrante

     Something that I read today in "The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy, talked about momentum.(By the way I highly recommend this book) What is momentum though? According to what I know about science, momentum is the amount of motion of a moving body. So, what does this have to do with my life and developing myself, and how can this be of value to you?
     With all the things in my life, I really need to have a consistent routine. Not because I'm extremely busy, but because I know that if I don't add some structure that I won't be as productive and won't have as much momentum working for me. When I use the word momentum in this context, it refers to a kind of pull factor within me. I'm either pushing myself to get something done, or something is pulling me to get something done. There is a difference between the push and pull factor though. I like to use the analogy that a push factor is you going up a hill, where as a pull factor is you going down hill. We all know it is easier to go down hill, because we have the force of gravity pulling us towards the earth. 
     So what's the value in knowing this? For me, having consistent habits that I do every day, it gives me momentum. To workout in the morning, to drink Shakeology, to practice bass guitar to a metronome. It all helps me stay on a consistent rhythm and on track to where I'm going in my life. Having this momentum pulls me to my success.
     What gives you your momentum, I want to know! After all, we all know something that the person next to us doesn't, so why not share something that has helped us? It might even help that person sitting next to you. One of the most widely shared goals among many is to have a positive impact on the world, and that is done by sharing! I hope that you found this helpful, in thinking about what gives you momentum so that you can utilize those pull factors to get you closer to where your success is. Thanks for reading, remember to LIVE NOW and we'll talk soon! 


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