Friday, November 11, 2016

Treat Not Cheat

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"I don't believe in cheating, I believe in treating."
-Shaun T
Aren't treats just delicious? I went with some of my favorite people to the movies and enjoyed some popcorn and got some frozen yogurt, and it was the bomb! DELICIOUS! I LOVE treats, but some people think because of the way my body looks that I wouldn't like to enjoy an ice cream cone, or a slice of apple pie. Truth is, I like both of those things together. There's a reason it's called a treat. It's that little bit of extra on top of all the good. But it is possible to have too much of a good thing, and that is most people's problem.
     One of the main reasons I love to stay fit and healthy is not just so I can look good, although that is nice, but so that I can treat myself every once in while. It gives me the sense of being deserving of a treat. If I was to make treats a consistent habit three times everyday, that wouldn't be a treat, that would be a cheat. It would be cheating me out being healthy and fit, which can lead to a whole slew of other problems. Treats are treats because they aren't a consistent three times a day thing, they're simple, sweet and small. 
     So the next time you go out with your friends to the movie, don't feel inhibited to have the popcorn or other sweets, just know what your goals are to know when your treating yourself or cheating yourself. Live your life with enjoyment though. 
     Thanks for reading, remember to LIVE NOW, and we'll talk soon!

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