Thursday, November 24, 2016

Your Attention Is Special

"You are the one that chooses to make your day special, not anything or anyone else."

     Have you ever had days that seem so much better or special than other days? Yeah, me too. Being as today is my birthday and Thanksgiving, it has been a spectacular day. Not because of what is happening to me, but what I am choosing to spend my time, energy and attention on. I've heard many people say that they had a bad day because of X (Insert terrible thing here). I've had days that I've thought that too, but what if our perception of how good the day is, is a placebo. What if everyday is neutral and our mind is thing that chooses if the day is a positive or a negative day? I believe this is the case for me. Let me elaborate.
Image result for sprout     For example, if it's your birthday. You expect the day will be a good day, so most of the time it ends up a good day. Another example, if you have an exam you didn't prepare for. You know you're not prepared, so you expect it to not go well. The thing that is the problem is that before the day has even started, we have given it a label, and when we label something it inherits an expectation. To be good or bad. For me, I find this to ring true. This effect is the "whatever you focus on grows" effect. If you focus on the things that will make your day unpleasant, then you will find everything that will make it a bad day. If you focus on the things that will make your day amazing, then you will find the things that will make your day a great day. It's a simple principle, yet many neglect to change what they focus their time and attention on.
     The reason I bring this up is because I see people hand over their power to external forces, and that's not how you LIVE NOW! As human beings we've been given the power over ourselves and the way we look at our lives. That might not seem like a lot, but it is everything you need to be able to lead a happy and fulfilling life. You must decide and commit to making everyday of your life special, You must decide to make everyday count. You must decide to LIVE NOW and not in the past or future. Remember to seize the day, make it special and do what is fulfilling to your soul. Thanks for reading, and we'll talk soon! Happy Thanksgiving :)

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