Sunday, November 20, 2016

Stepping Up

Image result for coming out of the tunnel

"Step up to the challenge, believe in yourself, and do what it takes. Right now is a great time to start."

     So tomorrow I get the chance to be a group fitness instructor for one of my classes in school. I admit that I'm very nervous about this opportunity. I always love the idea of getting up there in front of a crowd and performing. I mean that's one reason I love being a musician, but this is different. 
     Tomorrow I'm stepping up to a stage without my bass guitar. Sometimes I see my bass as my armor, to separate me from any unsavory possibilities. The reason I see it as that is because of how many years I've performed with it and developed it. I have refined it to where I'm comfortable in front of an audience with it. I guess that is what is also holding me back from bigger things. Hiding behind what is comfortable never got anyone anywhere. 
     Me getting up in front of people and leading them through a workout is not just calling out exercises. It is the opportunity to motivate, to inspire, to show people they have a lot more inside of them. Failing to do that is what I am nervous about I suppose. I am also excited though, for the same reason I am nervous. For years now, I've been motivated by Shaun T to "Dig Deeper", to "Max Out", to "Find my inner athlete" and to "Trust and Believe" in myself. I think that is why I'm where I am now because I acted on all of those motivational mantras, and now I have an opportunity to share that positivity with those in my class. 
     Now that I think about how long I've really been preparing for opportunities like this one, I know I'm ready. This will start something big for me. A new experience, a new journey in my path in health and fitness. I may not know what is beyond the light at the end of the tunnel, but I know it is an opportunity to step up to the challenge, the challenge to LIVE NOW in fresh experiences and opportunities. Thanks for reading and we'll talk soon!

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