Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Don't Justify Procrastination!

Image result for procrastination

"Tomorrow- a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement is stored"
-A Funny Procrastinator That Remains Anonymous

     Have you ever had something that you were going to do, and you instantly analysed your schedule to see if you could justify putting it later in the day? Well that's what happened today. Early this morning I woke up, and knew it was time to workout. Then there was that voice in my head saying "You have time to sleep another hour." So I did. An hour later I woke up, and I still didn't want to rise and shine. I got up anyways. I stumbled out in my gym area to look at what workout I had planned on the 22 Minute Hard Corps calendar. When I saw that it was Cardio 2 and Core 1 (By the way I always do Cold Start before I do the workout) I kind of sighed thinking "Man! I worked out hard yesterday and I am sore!" If you know me, you know I'd never skip a workout without a very good reason, but I have sometimes pushed my workout later in the day. That's my level of procrastination. I thought about pushing my workout later, and tried to justify the reason, but I still knew that I was procrastinating. So I PUSHED PLAY and started. Why do we procrastinate things that we need to do? 
     So the reason I was using to justify my procrastination was that I've been working out hard, I'm sore, I can do it later when I have more energy. Now, yes I have been working hard, but would not working out today be proving that point? No. Okay, So I'm sore! Would pushing my workout later make me less sore? No, not really and actually working out will help my soreness. Last thing, I'll have more energy later... Nope, not true. You can blame it on the fact that throughout the day your cortisol starts high and gets lower, and your melatonin starts low and goes higher when it gets later in the evening. So all of my justifications were not really good reasons not to work out this morning.
     Now this example wasn't a huge deal, but there are other things in our lives that we procrastinate that we really shouldn't procrastinate. Making ourselves more healthy is not something we should put on the back burner. Developing our minds is not something we should put off. Going after your dream life is something you also shouldn't procrastinate. Telling someone that you love them is definitely not something you should procrastinate. All the things that make you LIVE NOW in the moment with content are things that you shouldn't procrastinate. If you want to progress in those things I mentioned, you must not procratinate. You must push play and get started if you want to get to where you want to be! Thanks for reading, and we'll talk soon!

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