Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Reaping Rewards

     "Just do a little bit everyday, and you will see big change." 
Have you ever thought your efforts were for nothing? Sometimes it just seems like the fruits of your labor just will never come to fruition. Don't lose sight of your goal if you're not seeing the results immediately! Today I reaped the rewards of some of my hard work. I recently was able to lead a group workout that I had designed. Another thing I was able to reap the rewards of was the results of a test that I've been studying quite hard for in my Human Biology class. Neither of these things happened over night though. It just took time, effort and just showing up. 
     With the workout I designed I started designing it two months prior to the day it was due. I worked on it a little bit everyday. Whether it was tweaking the playlist of songs, the order of the exercises or even things that I would say, I added just a little bit everyday. That little bit everyday made all the difference though. It all added up to a not perfect, but polished product for others and myself to experience and enjoy. I received great feedback from the class and my instructor, which was pleasing to my ego, but that wasn't the best thing. The best part about my workout is that the next morning I knew I did good. Why you might ask? Because I was SO SORE! Not the bad kind but the good kind. Some people might say "that is most definitely not the best part about working out", but I beg to differ. Being sore means that you broke yourself down a little bit, and because of it you'll be even stronger once you've repaired your muscles. Now to relate reaping the words to a not so sexy topic, SCIENCE!
     Human Biology to be exact! I recently had an exam that was not so easy to pass, but I applied the same principle of just studying a little everyday. With this challenge I reaped a huge reward. I scored 105%, and the highest in my class. This is not something I should be prideful about, but feel thankful for. Thankful for the work ethic that I was taught. Thankful for the authors that wrote all the books I've read that have given me knowledge. I also thank God for giving me a spirit that never gives up. 
     For those of you reading this, I want you to know that even if you haven't seen fruition from your efforts, just keep moving forward, keep showing up, don't give up on your dream and you will see t come to fruition! Remember to LIVE NOW, and we'll talk soon!

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