Friday, November 25, 2016

What Is Your Why?

"He who has a why, can endure any how."
 -Friedrich Nietzshe

     Today as I sat in my great Grandpa's rocking chair that sits in front of my vision board (I like to call it my window to the future) I pondered on the many things I'm going to have to do in order to get those things that I desire most. There are many things I desire to be included in my reality. The one thing that I noticed with myself that I think many people struggle with is wanting to know how they are going to get what they want out of life. It is easy to cut and paste things you want on a board and hope it turns out. But once you've pasted those dreams to your board, that's when doubt sneaks in and says things like "you won't be able to do that", "those dreams are too lofty" and "you won't be able to make it that far". When those thoughts find their way into my head, it makes me feel like I've lost everything that I've ever wanted, and that is probably the most painful idea to any intensely sane person. That is when you and me need to remember our reason for wanting those dreams. We have to remember our why. Like the quote says, "He who has a why, can endure any how".
Image result for reality     When I look at all the things I'm going to have, do and experience in my life, it brings me so much excitement to where I literally jump from joy. I've noticed that sometimes I can get distracted looking at my board, and I can get lost in all the "hows". Knowing how I'm going to do something is something that nags me. I can't help it, it's the way I've been raised. Not just by my parents, but by my schooling. In as early as preschool, I can remember teachers and grown ups asking me "what do you want to be when you grow up?" or "What's your five year plan?" or something else trying to get you to map out what you're going to do, and how. I know it's important to have a plan and have an idea of how your going to do what you plan, but the one thing that is more important is your why. Without a strong "why" you will never reach your dreams and make them your reality. The thing that keeps me focused while I stare in wonder at my "window to my future" is having my WHY smack dab in the middle of my board. "Whys" can take many forms and are different for every person. As long as you know your why, you cannot be stopped!
     Another thing to further back my point is Simon Sinek's TED TALK "How Great Leaders Inspire Action". In his talk he talks about how the great innovators of the past were successful because of their "whys". Such as the Wright Brothers. Their motivation wasn't to get rich and famous, they just wanted to be the first men to fly.That was their why. He also explains in business, that "people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it". Now relating this back to you going after what you want from life. Imagine the many things and experiences of your life as your invention or your "plane". If you have the right "why" you can invent the life you dreamed. You can make dreams your reality, with the right "why". I know my why is what is keeping me moving forward to the life I see on my "window to my future", and I intend to enjoy not just the results but also the process. My why is what makes me LIVE NOW the most! I hope that you can see and know what your why is, because that is your "golden ticket" to your paradise. Enjoy life and thanks for reading! We'll talk soon!

P.s. What is your why?

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