Sunday, November 13, 2016

Health In Relationships: Communication Breakdown

"Communication is key."

     I recently finished the book "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman, and found it most enlightening. To know that the only thing standing in the way of a strong and healthy relationship is communicating in the language that the other person feels most loved in, is so simple yet we make it complicated. Why is that? 
     My initial thoughts are that I for one don't like the answer to be simple if I feel my problem is something I perceive to be complicated. It makes me feel slow to understand. Einstein put it best though "if you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough". So that is why this book is fantastic if you're looking to improve relationships. It's a simple strategy that is proven to work not just in relationships, but in day to day interactions. With what's going on in this world I feel that everyone could try and speak other people's love language to try and express themselves. 
     So for me personally after reading this book I found out that I have two very dominant love languages. They are, words of affirmation and spending quality time. I kind of suspected this considering I get so excited to point of jumping up and down when I get a message from the significant person in my life. But I also get pretty close to this gleeful when I get to spend time with her. I guess you could say I'd be a cheap person to shop for during the holidays. I know people say words are cheap, but not in my book. They mean the world to me. 
     Knowing this about myself will help me be able to tell people how they can best be there for me. I think that is important considering I know a lot of people that ask how they can help in my life. I'm sure that's true for you as well. I encourage to find out what your love language is and even read the book. I found a lot of useful things that I hope to implement in my life to love people more deeply by speaking their "language". It will help me have more healthy and fit relationships with people.
     Thanks for reading, remember to LIVE NOW, and we'll talk soon!

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