Monday, November 14, 2016

Stop Wasting My Time!

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"Time is money."

-Benjamin Franklin
     Today in my flexibility class, I was reminded of how important time is. I recently read it "The 4 Hour Workweek" by Tim Feriss that "time is the currency of the New Rich", and I believe it. There was this girl  and this guy that I will have remain nameless that had to lead the class through a workout. These workouts that we get to lead people through are basically our project for the semester, so they're worth a good amount of our grade. Needless to say, they didn't prepare for the presentation and winged it on the spot. I perceived from observing that they really didn't care, which kind of annoyed me because I'm paying to be there and have my time wasted. (I'm not one to waste time. Some might say that I'm obsessed with productivity and progression, but I'd rather call it being aware of the best use of my time.) That wasn't the only thing that bothered me though. I noticed that everyone on their grading papers were giving them full points, even though they knew their performance was sub par. I refused to lie, so I wrote what I really thought.Hopefully they don't take it personally, but it is the score I felt they deserved.That just didn't make sense to me to give them full points, but it made me feel as though everyone else didn't care either.   What is the deal with that? Anyways, moral of the story, we should care how we spend our time. We should try and prepare to succeed instead of prepare to fail. Our time is a valuable currency that is non-refundable, and we should spend it wisely. Spend it preparing to succeed at what we want most! Spend it on things that make us LIVE NOW! Thanks for reading this little rant, hopefully you can find the best way to spend your time and LIVE NOW! We'll talk soon!

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